Friday 22 February 2013

Deaths Head Hawk Moth Caterpillars

Let’s talk about some bugs now, for those bug people out there; the Deaths Head Hawk Moth Caterpillars (Acherontia atropos). This is the largest moth found in the U.K, with its wingspan measuring 15 cm (6 inches) You might remember them from appearing on movie posters such as “Silence of the Lambs”. But that’s the moth, not the caterpillar; I will talk more about the moth when they are moths.

You may notice the photo is of much better quality. That's because I didn't take it.

Ultimately I was drawn to them because they looked like lucha libre sausages. Then I found out all they do is eat and that was it. Awesome.

Unfortunately these aren't residents of the bughouse, they are a personal project for entomologist Paul who's manager of the bughouse. His goal is to breed the adult moths when they emerge.

When I first saw these guys they were about 4cm and as thick as a pencil, a couple of days later they were 10cm and as thick as my pointing finger! They like to eat, that's all they do, and Paul had to keep going out supplying them with food. 4 buckets of privet (a hedge shrub plant) a day for 16 caterpillars. In the wild they feed on potato crops or nightshade plants, the fact pesticides are sprayed on potato crops is probably why they aren't as common in the wild as they used to be.

I found out this morning these caterpillars have pupated, they buried themselves in their soil and will stay there for around 3 months, and then an adult moth will emerge from the soil. Check back in 3 months to find out about the Deaths Head Hawk Moth.

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