Friday 11 January 2013

Yellow Tail Damsel fish

That's a pretty rubbish photo you may be saying to yourself, and I agree. Unless you thought it was good and in that case thank you very much! See, what I'm trying to do is give you the authentic aquarium experience. You know how it is, you go to an aquarium, take loads of photos and when you review them you realise the fish were swimming round the whole time, making your snaps blurry imperfections. Us Aquarists don't have a secret way of taking good pictures, so never feel bad.

Ok, onto the yellow tail damsel fish, or Chrysiptera parasema for those who are fans of binomial names.These are not to be confused with the blue devil damselfish we have (Chrysiptera cyanea), the most obvious way of telling these two species of little blue fish apart is the Yellow Tail Damsel has a yellow tail, and the blue devil damsel has a goatee and horns... actually they don't, they're just all blue.

If you like your fish a stunning blue then these are the fish for you. We keep our damsels in small groups of 6-8. If there are less they tend to not get on and get very territorial, but in small groups they get along in perfect harmony.

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