Monday 7 January 2013


The next fish I've chosen for you in no particular order is the Mono. No, it's not a piranha, I promise you it's not. Piranha's live in fresh water, and we are a salt water aquarium. It's a mono, or Monodactylus argenteus for those who appreciate Latin. You still don't believe me do you? Google it.

Perhaps the most interesting thing about the Mono is that they are commonly mistaken for piranhas. Ahh, I'm just kidding mono, I'm sure you're a fascination really, and there's far more to you than being mistaken for a piranha. Just give me a minute to think it up...

It may be the name we refer to them as which has made me think nothing much of this fish. "Mono", in other parts of the world it's known as a "Silver Moony" or "Sea Angel", now those are names for an interesting fish!

These fish live in brackish conditions, and perfect for our Mangrove display. They are adapted to live in fresh water or salt water, or water that is between the two.

These are some tough fish, I have been at the aquarium for nearly 3 years and in this time I have not known one of these fish to die! (And only one archer fish from the mangrove display has). That's pretty impressive, take an aquarist word for it.

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