Wednesday 16 January 2013

Common Lobster

Enough about fish, let's pay some attention to a member of the crustacea subphylum (that just means a crustacean). The common Lobster, and you can call them a Homarus gammarus, and I do like to say that out loud several times fast. It's a good word. Onto the animal...

You can eat these, and if you've ate lobster you may have eaten this type. "But it's blue and all gorgeous!" you may say. It is, it goes red and less glamorous when it has been cooked. Our's is a bit small at the minute, so put your forks away, she won't make much of a meal.

My favourite fact about Lobsters involve their claws. Each one has a different function, the larger of the two is the "crusher", think of it like a nutcracker, it crushes its prey, the other is a "cutter", the edges are much sharper and can be used to cut up their prey, think of it like a pair of scissors, they can also just hold onto their prey too. It's not the fact each claw has a different function that is my favourite fact, it's the fact that though usually the left claw will be the "crusher" and the right claw the "cutter" it's not always the case... which means you can get left handed Lobsters, at least that's how I think about it, and it puts a smile on my face.

I took this photo a day after I made up the little rock house for her to place herself in, which she did... but, another day on she's decided that placing herself between the pipe and glass is a better idea than having a house. These animals...

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